ago.jsConverts the given date to time ago in words
arrayTrim.jsWill trim all falsy values from the end of an array
camel.jsConverts the given string to camelCase
capitalize.jsCapitalize the first letter of the given string
cherryPick.jsCherry-picks from the given array of objects, comparing top-level keys against the given compare object.
clamp.jsClamp the given number between a min and max
cls.jsBuilds a class string from the given args
createElement.jsQuick and easy DOM element creation
cx.jsBuilds a class string from the given args but smaller
datesToDuration.jsConverts two dates into a human readable duration string
daysInRange.jsCalculates the number of days between two dates
daysToString.jsConverts the given number of days to a human-readable string (or object)
debounce.jsPrevent a function from being spammed
dp.jsSets the number of decimal places, stripping trailing zeros to nearest 10
equirectangularApprox.jsApproximate the distance between point A and point B, a faster but less accurate alternative to haversine for use on short distances
formatBytes.jsFormat the given bytes to the nearest appropriate size
formatDate.jsJS port of PHP's date formatter
formDataToJson.jsConverts the given FormData to a JSON String
formToObj.jsConverts the given form elements to an object
fuzzy.jsA tiny and blazing-fast fuzzy search
getScrollParent.jsWill get the nearest scrollable parent
haversine.jsCalculate the distance between point A and point B
IntervalTimer.jsA pause-able interval timer
isDark.jsDetects if the given hex is dark
kebab.jsConverts the given string to kebab-case
minmax.jsClamps the number within the given range
random.jsA collection of random generator functions
self-resizing-textarea-react.jsA textarea that resizes to its contents (but for react)
self-resizing-textarea.htmlA textarea that resizes to its contents
shiftToEnd.jsWill shift the specified number of items to the end of the array
shuffle.jsRandomly shuffles the given array using Durstenfeld
signals.jsA tiny events system
unescape.jsDecode / Unescape HTML entities
until.jsOutputs the given date as "X units"
useSwipe.jsTiny X-axis swipe handler
uuid.jsWill generate a random UUID v4